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  • 國立交通大學 資訊管理與財務金融學系 博士 (2011/9 ~ 2018/5)
  • 國立中正大學 醫療資訊管理研究所 碩士 (2009/9 ~ 2011/7)
  • 國立中正大學 資訊管理學系 學士 (2005/9 ~ 2009/6)


Research Interest


Artificial Intelligence


Clinical Decision Support System.


Clinical Big Data


Healthcare Information Management



  • 林世昌、曾筱珽 (2018)。大數據時代之校務研究實踐。收錄於「臺灣校務研究理論與技術」一書。
  • 曾筱珽 (2013)。雲端技術之隱私權與社會發展影響。收錄於「2013BioICT智庫政策白皮書」一書。


  1. Chia-Lun Lo, Hsiao-Ting Tseng*, Chi Hua Chen (2018). Does Medical Students’ Personality Traits Influence Their Attitudes toward Medical Errors? Healthcare, 6(3), 101.
  2. Shari SC Shang, W. Y. Hsu, H.T. Tseng, J. J. Jiang, & C. J. Chiang (2018). An Empirical Study on the Effects of an Enterprise Fan Page. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 28(3), 252-268. SCI,科技部資管領域推薦期刊
  3. Tseng, H. T., Hwang, H. G., Hsu, W. Y., Chou, P. C., & Chang, I. C. (2017). IoT-Based Image Recognition System for Smart Home-Delivered Meal Services. Symmetry, 9(7), 125. SCI
  4. Chia-Lun Lo, Hsiao-Ting Tseng (2017). Predicting rehabilitation treatment helpfulness to stroke patients: A supervised learning approach. Artificial Intelligence Research, 6(2), 1-9.
  5. Tsai, C. Y., Lo Chieh-Ling, Tseng, H. T. (2017). Metaphor and simplification strategies in the design of tourist guidebooks. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 40(6), 536-546. SCI
  6. Tsai, C. Y., Wang, M. T., Tseng, H. T. (2016). The Impact of Tour Guides’ Physical Attractiveness, Sense of Humor, and Seniority on Guide Attention and Efficiency. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(6), 824-836. SSCI,  Q1
  7. Chang, I. C., Lin, C. Y., Tseng, H. T., Ho, W. Y. (2016). Health Knowledge Effects: An Integrated Community Health Promotion Platform. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(3), 137-142. SCI & SSCI
  8. Chang, I. C., Chou, P. C., Yeh, R. K. J., Tseng, H. T. (2016). Factors influencing Chinese tourists’ intentions to use the Taiwan Medical Travel App. Telematics and Informatics, 33(2), 401-409. SCI & SSCI
  9. 陳志華、曾筱珽、陳昱嘉、林家瑜 (2011)。雲端運算應用現況與發展趨勢。證券櫃檯雙月刊,156,34-45。


  1. Hsieh-Hong Huang, Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Chia-Lun Lo (2019). A Study of Email Deception Based on Situation Awareness Theory. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2019: Xi’an, China, July 8th – 12th, 2019.
  2. Hsiao-Ting Tseng*, Hsiao-Chi Li, Chia-Lun Lo, Tai-Hsiang Shen, Shu-Chiung Lin (2019). Predicting Dementia Risk To Depressive Disorder Patients: A Classification Approach. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics: Kobe, Japan, July 7th – 10th, 2019.
  3. Chia-Lun Lo, Hsiao-Ting Tseng (2019). Applying Fuzzy Modeling in System Dynamics for Simulation and Evaluation of Talent Retention Policy in Nursing Department. The 7th International Conference on Business and Social Science: Kyoto, Japan, March 26th -28th, 2019.
  4. Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Chia-Lun Lo (2017). Expansion of National Policy Perspectives: Comparing Awareness, Acceptance and Differences in Opinions of Taiwanese with Experiences Living Abroad on Taiwan’s “Health Bank”. WDSI 2017 Annual Meeting: Vancouver, Canada, April 4th – 8th, 2017.
  5. Hsiao-Ting Tseng (2014). A Study of Individuals’ Health Information Privacy Concern: From Moderating Effects of Urban-Rural Gap Perspectives. JCMIT 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, November 16th, 2014.
  6. IC Chang, HT Tseng, WF Hung, HG Hwang (2014). An Examination of Patients’ Privacy Concerns and Intention to Use Medical Imagine Exchange Center in Taiwan. 2012 DSI Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States, 17th -20th, 2012.
  7. Tseng, H. T., Chang, P. T., Chang, R. (2011). Developing an Outpatient Electronic Medical Record System in Taiwan from a Physicians’ Perspective. ICIME 2011-Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation: Toronto, Canada, April 27th -28th, 2011.
  8. HT Tseng, HG Hwang, WF Hung (2011). Moderating Effects of Trust on Relationships between Consumers’ Privacy Concerns and Intention to Use Medical Image Exchange Center. International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2011, Chiayi, Taiwan, November 17th, 2011


Department of Information Management , NCU

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